A brief list of interesting things, culled from the items I shared in Google Reader in the last week:
- CNN Political Ticker: Porn industry seeks federal bailout
- I hope they mean ‘bailout’ in the regular sense, because I can’t begin to figure out what it would mean as a porn euphemism.
- Ironic Sans: The Breakfast Cereal Club
- “You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a leprechaun, a monster, a cap’n, a tiger, and a rabbit. Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Cereal Club.”
- Jobs blames hormone imbalance on weight loss – The Irish Times – Mon, Jan 05, 2009
- Literacy in headline-writers: desirable but no longer necessary.
- RTÉ News: Special €2 coin marks Euro anniversary
- I love how everyone describes it as featuring a “stylised human figure”. It’s a stick man. I get the impression that “Mr G Stamatopoulos, of the Greek Central Bank” said to a room full of people, “Design me something like this [draws a stick-man design], only less shit,” and then someone said, “Everyone ok with the shit stickman?” and they all fucked off early to feed ducks in the park.
- Socks Anatomy
- Somalia – Weebl's Stuff
- Where can you see pirates?