A brief list of interesting things, culled from the items I shared in Google Reader in the last week:
- Real Advice Hurts | 43 Folders
- “A subscription to a magazine about taekwondo will only be as useful as your decision to drag your fat ass into a dojo and start actually kicking people. Over and over. Otherwise, you’re just buying shiny paper every month.”
- Iraq's 'Chemical Ali' gets second death sentence
- Awesome headline. I guess the last execution didn’t stick?
- AddressBookSync | Facebook Picture Synchronization with OS X Address Book
- Sync your Facebook contacts to your address book (OS X only). Great little app.
- Does the broken windows theory hold online?
- Jason Kotke ponders the application of the broken windows theory to websites like blogs and forums.
- Oldest Ever Lolcat Found *gasp* (Iz From Teh 1905)
- I hope she now has her dinner.
- For the first time in history…
- “For the first time in history, a Panda volunteers to mate in captivity.”
- Louis CK on Conan O'Brien
- “You’re sitting in a chair… in the SKY!”
- New Video Game Designed To Have No Influence On Kids' Behavior | The Onion – America's Finest News Source
- “With Stacker, the player interacts with an environment full of boxes—lightweight, uniformly brown boxes with rounded corners—and uses diligence and repetitive hard work to complete his mission.”
- Cute Cat Picture with No Annoying Caption
- The last one on the Internet?
I liked the broken window article which I would not have seen had it not been posted here.
I like the new feature that means I can see this.