Cumming: The Fragrance

You might not guess it from the (in)frequency of posting around here, but I do actually maintain a list (or two, or three; I’m not very organised) of things I’d like to write about here. You also may not guess it from the (lack of) quality of the posts that appear, but most of what I have on my "to blog" lists never gets posted because I finally decide that it’s not interesting enough either for you to read about it or, more often, for me to write about it. So I have these lists, and every so often I find something that deserves to skip past all the other dreck waiting for my time and jump straight out onto the page for all to marvel at. At which for all to marvel. Whatever.

One such marvelous… thing… is Cumming: The Fragrance, inspired and endorsed by Alan Cumming. This is actually part of a wider range of cosmetics which includes a soap (Cumming in a Bar), and a body lotion (Cumming All Over) among others. As the man says himself, "My tongue is firmly in my cheek… My own cheek." Now try to take Nightcrawler seriously next time you watch X-2

This is officially 2006’s first recipient of my over-used accolade: Best. Thing. Ever.
