Me Wanty

I want to seeThe Matrix: Reloaded, particularly after seeing that trailer. I want to see The Hulk, now even more so since discovering that Ang Lee is directing. I want more immediately to see the Hulk trailer which I’ve been trying to download for several hours. I want to see Terminator III, and I want not to regret it afterwards, though I’m not all that optimistic. I want also to see Daredevil, The Matrix: Revolutions and X2.

I want broadband.

I also want to be able to put all this para-legal music I’ve just downloaded onto a zip-disk before I miss the bus, which is why I’m leaving for Daedalus (main computer building) now, and consequently writing no more. On the point of zip-disks, I’ve taken to naming mine after scientists. Today I will be transporting Pearl Jam and Pink Floyd among others, on Paul Dirac.
